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Well, I finally put up a little portfolio type page (http://students.washington.edu/jaynev/) . I'm actually kinda suprised how quickly I was able to throw it together. I started it yesterday, worked on it off and on and it's pretty much done today. There are a few little kinks, like how the font changes to a serif in IE, but for the most part I'm happy with it. Of course, it helps that it's like super simple, but I actually think it's one of my favorite ones that I've done so far just cause its so simple. I don't have much on there though. I really need to do some more drawing. I haven't made a whole lot of stuff that I really like lately. Its weird how short my crossover time is. Like, I'll do something and be pretty happy with it. But if i look at it a week later I don't like it any more.
I also really need to do some more traditional stuff. Everything on there right now is digital which is fine cause i like that sorta thing, but i feel like I'm relying on illustrator too much lately and it makes things too easy or something. Plus i actually really like how scruffy hand drawn things look too. I need a way to blend the two together... I dunno. I also think i need to take another figure drawing class next year. It's kinda sad that after a year of being here I don't really have much of a traditional portfolio. The big National Portfolio Day in Seattle is next month, I thought it might be interesting to go, but I don't really have anything to show them.
Also, we went and saw Kinsey last night, which was really good. It's kinda interesting getting a different sort of side of him when all we really talked about in school was how he was an early sex researcher who developed the Kinsey scale. And then later on last night peter & riley stumbled across a public access channel that just had a weird scruffy guy talking about pot, Bush-bashing, and showing porn (while playing messages from his answering machine over it*). It was just really really wierd. I mean, if tv censors freak out about a boob popping out, I don't know how this guy managed to get an entire slot of airtime to show porn on the public access channel. is it really that easy to get on public tv? it wasn't even that late, maybe like 1 am or so. We just thought it was pretty damn funny.
*there was an email and a phone number at the bottom so you could contact the guy. the messages were pretty varied. a lot of angry mothers. some guys who enjoyed the porn but disagreed with his political statements, and lots of guys who just enjoyed it.
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