

I'm too tired to color. So as I put that off, I'll make a list of things I should work on getting to sooner than later:

-replying to emails. I don't know it takes me days to get back to people.
-sending emails/writing letters/keeping in touch etc.
-reading books. I like em. I just have no idea what to read. My favorite books are the ones with pictures in them... but if you know of any non-illustrated books I should read, let me know. Or even if you know any good comics. I'm making a list of books/comics to read this year.
-mastering the latte song I wrote last year. cause apparently i've got 2 weeks till my perfomance of doom at Trabant... stupid Peter.
-write new songs. record songs.
-write a ficional story to illustrate. I wanna try doing a graphic novel. Nothing as colossal as the 300+ page "Blankets" (by Craig Thompson). But something little. And since I don't know anyone who will write a story for me, I suppose I shall have to do it myself.

I don't believe chai has caffine. It's not making me un-tired at all.


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