furry friends
I thought that gerbils would be good pets because they're relatively easy to care for so it wouldn't be distracting. some food. some water. pick em up occassionally. but other wise they're happy on their own. And they are pretty easy, but they've also proved to be like the most distracting little buggers ever. Like more distracting than internet or tv. They're so adorable. I just sit and watch them for hours and get nothing else done. They're just so funny together. I named them Sam & Max and am totally in love with them. They're so much cooler than Ludwig (peter's beta), Bif (riley's snake), and Goldfish numbers 1-5.
currently listening to: Doves. The new cd is fantastic!
anti anal gerbils
Drawing out letter forms is incredibly anal. I am not. The next 4 weeks will be spent drawing a serif alphabet. Exciting, huh?
I've already planned out a bunch of non-anal side projects for myself to keep me sane.
I'm also thinking about getting a pair of gerbils. Cause Peter's got his fish, Riley's got her snake, and now I want a pet too. But apparently gerbils like company so I'd probably get 2. It's been a long time since I've had a small pet. But considering I had some* in like second grade, I should be able to handle it now. Plus Petco is like just up the street, so it'd be super easy to get supplies and stuff.
ok... back to drawing my O..
*Frisky and Frisky 2
currently listening to: Smashmouth
planning another trip
to Vancouver for:
A Night of Improv
The Vogue Theatre.
May 27th. 9:30 pm.
featuring: Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie, Greg Proops, Jeff Davis, Chip Esten and Brad Sherwood! all of the fantastic "Whose Line is it Anyway".
It's like 2 months away, but I'm already really really excited.
spring break tally
total number of...
cities: 5
photos taken: 124*
cute boys: 4**
museums: 2
nightclubs: 1***
beers: 0.3
ice cream: 6
hours at work: 9.5
hours in transit: 27 (at least)
nights slept in my own bed: 3
miles walked: too many to count
dollars spent: too afraid to count
*slide show of some of them here
**none of which I can make out with...damn.
*** Radio One night at The Cellar was really fantastic. DJ and live band playing nothing but my favorite music. Jamiroquai, Morcheeba, Blur, Fatboy Slim, Garbage, Franz Ferdinanz, Chemical Brothers, Coldplay etc... It was like they were playing from a playlist in my head.
currently listening to: Blur
wander lust
and now, to Vancouver for the last leg of my mini North American Spring Break Tour.
DC ByDesign
Washington D.C. has lots of free museums and a rather impressive art collection at the National Art Gallery. Something I probably only realized this time since I've been forced to take art history classes. I guess it makes me feel cultured or something though. Twas a pleasant day trip, but I didn't have time to do much other than stroll through some of the museums and walk around. One day is definately not enough time to be anywhere. But it was still nice. Trains are cool.
I've been doin a lotta thinking the past couple of days which is nice. I guess when I'm really busy I don't really hear myself but during breaks I get to sort of regroup.
I totally HAVE TO go to ALL of these.
April 15-17
BY DESIGN 05, w/special guest Pablo Ferro
-April 15, Fri at 7:30pm
Quick Cuts and Split Screens: An Evening with Pablo Ferro
Special Guest Pablo Ferro in person!
-April 16, Sat 12-4pm
Collage Workshop w/Pablo Ferro
- April 16, Sat at 5pm
Seattle Moves (screening + discussion)
...Seattle's leading designers of title sequences and commercial graphics for this special forum. Guests from Flying Spot, Digital Kitchen and Fad
- April 16-17, Sat at 8pm, Sun at 9pm
Entropy: New Shorts and Music Videos
- April 17, Sun at 7pm
Best of ByDesign: Five Years of Entropy
...work by Mike Mills, Ryan McGinness, Rodney Ascher, Shynola, Yoshimasa Ishibashi, and others.
(full details here )
east coast
This trip hasn't really been as relaxing as I had hoped. It's sort of just made me love Seattle even more. I just get this looming feeling like I really just don't belong on this side of the country. Sort of the same feeling I got when I was in Sanibel, FL, two spring breaks ago. I dunno, just really out of place. We went up to NYC today and I really don't think I'll ever be able to live there. It's just too chaotic and crowded. I really love love love Seattle. Even if I'm not really at the best school for what I ultimately want to be doing, I think location balances things out. I'm also kinda glad I'm not at an all out art school. I sat in on a few of the classes here at MICA and I dunno, I don't think I'd be able to do it. Maybe for grad school or something.
I also sort of feel like I'm messing with the space time continuum by being here and around people from my past. or at least my own inner time contunuum or something. That doesn't make much sense, but thats just how I feel. I've got a million other things going on in my head right now but I don't really feel like going into it tonight. Disillusioning is probably the best way to describe it. It's kinda funny how being around other people makes me notice so much more about myself, especially things I'd rather not notice. I'm also currently happy about the 19 = drinking age thing in Vancouver. I've never really been one to get drunk, but it sounds like a good idea lately.
currently listening to: the heater thing making weird noises
that's it
Winter quarter 2005 is officially over for jayne!
It finally rained today, just in time for the big reception at the Wilsonian, which I'm not going to. My sculpture is probably 75% rust now. I'm afraid to even go look at it...
The CSE final probably could have gone better, but considering I spent my "study time" watching The Incredibles and reading Voices, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I really really really LOVE Jack-Jack. He is the coolest baby EVER.
I got in! I'm officially a VCD kid! it feels weird to actually HAVE a major now, to not be "undecided" or "in the process." I've also decided the Motion Graphics is totally where it's at. I started getting interested last quarter, but I've been reading tween, which is fantastic, for the past few weeks and now I think I'm totally set on doing it. It's like design + animation + music.
Our VCD program doesnt really do motion graphics stuff, which kinda sucks i guess. But that just means I'll have to figure it out on my own. I've decided my next for-jayne-project will be a music video for my one hit wonder P.B. Mc Apple.
Also, Are You Popular?
currently listening to: Doves
omg omg omg! Doves!
Apparently they have a new album out! Have yourself a listen here! I have to get it before I go on spring break... so... today or tomorrow.
AND they are coming to Seattle May 3rd! Showbox! All ages! I HAVE TO GO. My bro is going with me. I have missed way to many good concerts this quarter. No way am I missing this one.
AND apparently my brother's boss's ex-husband OWNS the Showbox. Maybe we can get on a guest list of some sort. That would be fantastic.
I'm so excited! I've been waiting forever for a new Doves album & the chance to see them live. So glad im in Seattle where all the good bands play.
currently listening to: Doves (of course)
build and release
Turned in my Portfolio of Doom. I've done all I can and now it's officially out of my hands...spent the day hanging around the CMA waiting around and sorta working on signs. It makes me kinda sad that like they're all seniors and they'll all be gone this quarter or next. Not that I'll really be at the CMA ever after this quarter, but I dunno, I've grown fond of all of them. I think I've spent 75% of my art-making time there and only like 25% on design stuff. Kinda makes me wonder.
I think I sorta like building & creating things with my hands way more than making things on the computer. It's just nice to actually touch things. I was wearing the silver rings I made last summer today and marveling at the fact that I actually fabricated this thing on my finger. What was once a small piece of silver and a chunk of jade, was now a (poorly crafted) piece of adornment. Its too bad I have such poor craft when it comes to making stuff though. I think half of it is just laziness but I think the other half is an aesthetic thing. I just like stuff that doesn't look all polished and professional cause I like to see the marks of the person that made it. When things are so nice that I assume they were produced on a machine I sorta lose interest cause it just seems so.. impersonal.
I got a most fantastic package-from-a-stranger today. Not really a total stranger I guess, I've traded little zines and stuff with him before, but this thing is fucking amazing, especially because i didn't like pay for it or anything. I guess I'm just on his mailing list so he sent one to me. But I'll probably end up sending him something as well cause he basicly sent me a BOOK of his writing. It's 325 pages (8.5x11). Lovingly bound with screws and bolts. And a fancy plastic cover over the front. The title "Voices" written in blue glitter over a photo with a buch of real dried rose petals over the bottom. It's number 77 (one of my favorite numbers of all time) out of 101. I can't even imagine how long it must have taken to get 101 of these things together. I had a hard enough time with 40 copies of my measly zine. So yeah, that's really cool. I love that the coolest mail I ever get is always from people I've never actually met. So.. instead of studying for my dreaded CSE final, I think I'll read this. good plan, jayne.
currently listening to: Flaming Lips


It's kinda hard to believe that I'm actually done with all this stuff. Also kinda hard to believe I spent all quarter just working on this stuff. but it feels really really good to be done.
It's kinda cool how even though how all the VCD kids are "competing" to get a spot in the program every one helps each other out. It would have taken me so much longer to finish everything up with out the extra help. Same goes for the sculpture stuff too. Without all the SPA* kids helping out along the way, things wouldn't have gone nearly as smoothly.
I've probably said this before, but like half of the reason why I want to get into the program is so I can be around a smaller group of people for the next 2 years. It takes me a long time to get comfortable around new people, so it always makes me kinda sad at the end of the quarter when I'm finally comfortable and then i have to start all over again.
*Sculpture Public Art
currently listening to: SXSW Showcase
Happy 311 Day!
Well, now it's the 12th i guess, but since I havent gone to bed yet, I'll pretend it's still 311. So.. done with classes! Still have tons of stuff to do in the next couple of days, but whatever. Today was pretty and has been quite possibly one of the best last days of class ever:
When I opened up my package I found an adorable little teddy bear with a cute litte red bow. And when you press his little paw it says " Hi, I'm gonna fuckin kill you." He's super fantastic! If it was from anyone other than Kev I'd probably be a little creeped out. Now I can sleep with Mr. Bear (my old polar bear) and Kev ( via Jason the homicidal bear) every night.
Work was splendid. Cake. Chips. Dip. Punch. Juice. Brownies. Yay free food & good times, although apparently I'm going to have to come in a few times durring break... Between Maryland and Vancouver.. and after Vancouver. So they gave me keys and made me feel important. Scott's also apparently named me the successor to the Ad Manager Throne cause I'm the youngest and people are slowly starting to graduate off. Though it will still be a while (at least a year) before that happens. Just sort of a weird thought cause I'm not really a managerial type.
We totally got a bunch of the sculpture, including mine, up tonight too! Although all I did was carry stuff and hold ladders. It's so crazy seeing that thing up there. I really didn't think it would ever make it. Feels so damn good to actually be able to SEE it in it's final place. Too bad it's a piece of crap and is probably going to rust like hell at the first sight of rain cause it's already rusting. It was kinda fun putting them all up though. A lot of the people walking by thought we were pulling a prank or doing like performance art. I mean, 9 pm, college kids in hard hats, with ladders, yelling "I need more balls! All I've got are the nuts!" I'm sure it looked kinda strange. And then we got to ride down the street in the back of the big truck, when all the drunks on the Ave cheered at us.
good times.
currently listening to: 22-pistepirkko!
yay! thursday!
YAY! That huge empty store front on the corner of 45th and the Ave is going to be an American Apparel store! Opening on the 29th! I'm so excited! Look at all these excamation marks! *
YAY! Potluck lunch at work tomorrow!
YAY! Lots of children's books in different languages from the library!
YAY! Hummus! Cinnimin (thats spelled wrong, isnt it) raisin bagels! Strawberries! Chai!
YAY! Payday!
YAY! Package slip!
YAY! 1.48/2.63 gigs! that's more than 50%!
YAY! Pretty pretty quad in bloom!

*I've probably ranted about this before, but I really do love their stuff. It's all so soft and fits so well. And they're socially responsible and they don't print their logos on their stuff. It's kinda weird how I've come to love the un-branded brand so much. So yeah, when I get back from spring break that's probably where the rest of my money is going.
currently listening to:
SXSW Torrent
As this last week progresses my motivation to work on anything decreases more and more, which is probably pretty bad since this last part of the quarter's like the more important part or soemthing. I just cant seem to get myself back in that mode.
anyways, I thought I'd share this..
SXSW( as many of you probably know) is this HUGE music and film festival down in Texas that's starting in a few days. Mostly showcasing up and coming, innovative, stuff. I 've been wanting to go for years, at least ever since my sister told me about it. But it's REALLY expensive. I guess it's more for people in the industry or something, but if it wasn't like $545 to get into the Music section, (a mere $810 to get into everything) I'd totally go sometiem. Cause I mean, I like my music... but over $500 just to get in?? No way.
But! This year, they've put together a huge (2.63 gigs) free 2005 Artist Showcase Collection.There's over 750 full-length, high-quality mp3s, available as a BitTorrent file here. I'm downloading it right now... so in about 3 days I should have lots of new music. yay! Anyways, I don't really understand how BitTorrent works except for the fact that being connected to more peers is good and makes things go faster. So yeah, just thought I'd mention it incase anyone was interested...
currently listening to: Air
I am such a dumb ass. And this entry will make me sound like I'm 12. but whatever. I have my laptop with me to work on programming homework. so naturally, blogging is what I'll use it for..
I'm sitting in the HUB eating lunch and Matthew (one of the guys in my design class) is kinda walking towards me. Unfortunately my my thought process has just as short of an attention span as me:
"Oh! This would be a good opportunity to be social. You kinda like him and talk to him in class, you should wave him over or at least say hello! Geez, I can't believe I'm going to finish this whole sandwich. I mean, everytime I get one of these I only get about 75% through. Wait! you're suppose to say hello! Man, I must be really really hungry or something. I wonder if I can finish my salad too. Maybe it's from all this walking I've been doing lately. Stop thinking about your lunch! But I am really impressed that I can eat this whole thing. Oh damn it, it's too late. He's already sat down and put on his headphones. Actually, I'm sure I can finish my salad too."
Of course he ended up sitting at the table right in front of me. So the whole time I'm just going back and forth between maybe waving at him and being impressed at my eating skills. I don't know if he saw me. I'm assuming he did but probably thought I was just ignoring him or something (hopefully not). When in reality my thought process just never quite made it to the follow through phase. But I feel bad. I don't want him to think I've got some issues with him where I can't even be bothered to say hi.
I realize all of this is pretty ridiculous but apparently that's just how things work in my head. This probably explains why it's so hard for me to approach people or be the one to initiate conversation.
Oh well. I did manage to finish everything on my plate & in my glass though, which makes me feel all proud and stuff. I don't really know why. It's not like eating is a very difficult task or anything.
Anyways. I guess I should actually work on the program now, though I'm actually still hungry...
east north
Apparently I'm going East for spring break. I hadn't really planned on it but I sort of just fancied the idea this afternoon and went ahead and bought tickets tonight. Gonna go visit Neal in Baltimore for a few days. We might take day trips to N.Y.C and D.C. too. I'm always sad that no one ever comes to visit me and always have dreams about people coming to visit. But of course I've never visited anyone either, so I figure I should just do it. I'm a little worried that it might be kinda weird spending several days with him after not seeing him for over a year. and since he's got himself a new lady friend I suppose I have to keep my hands off him now. damn. I'm really curious about MICA. It'll be interesting to see a real art school. But also somewhat intimidating... so many cool art school kids, while I am but a lowly art department kid.
I think im also still going to Vancouver for a few days with Enzo. But I dunno how that's working out yet.. cause i'd have to leave like right after I get back from Baltimore. That'll be kinda crazy.
I don't really know what I'd do at any of these places. If I was a drinker, I'd prolly get smashed in Vancouver. But I'm not, so maybe I'll just use the 19=drinking age thing to get into a dance club or something. I guess I'm just looking for a change in scenery. I know it never solves anything, but for some reason I always think it will. As if a different collection of buildings and foliage would make a difference. In the end I almost always just get homesick. Anyways, I think a vacation should be good for me. I haven't really gone anywhere for a while. I think my last trip was to Portland for the zine symposium last june... hmm. that doesn't seem right. I feel like I've gone other places too... but I guess not.
yeah, definately time for a "vay-cay."
it's been a good day.
currently listening to: CCC
red rover
Me at the central library. I absolutely LOVE the 4th floor cause it's ALL red. well, mostly. some parts are an orangy color and some parts are sorta magenta i guess, but it's pretty much red. It's so surreal. It's like being in this sexy futuristic place. If I were to shoot a music video, I'd want to do it at the library. We went down there today so I could shoot some pics for my poster project.
I think I'm done with my sculpture, just cause I'm tired of working on it. Not really happy with how it turned out. Every one else's is SO much cooler than mine, but whatever. I don't have the energy or time to work on it anymore. Gonna spend most of tommorrow at the art building's computer lab. whee.
I have had the most unhealthy week ever. So much so-bad-its-good food. But I've also been walking all over the place so hopefully it all balences out.
hmm. I think I'm hungry again...
doin things and makin stuff
Just got back from the CMA. 9 hours of painting (with a little dinner break). It's taking much longer than I thought it would. Probably cause I'm slow and my thing has like tons of little pieces at awkward angles. But it's kinda nice to be really involved in something for long chunks of time. Especially when it's just painting. Sorta relaxing and brainless. (as opposed to like hours of programming which is stressful and ... brainful) Apparently it's also already starting to rust though... After painting the second coat little freckle like things showed up everywhere. Not good. I really just want it to be done. I don't know how everyone's going to finish by Monday. Lots of people are still working on fabricating individual parts of their thing. I think I'm just the furthest along cause mine is pretty simple and I cut all sorts of corners, so it looks pretty shitty. I am anti-sanding, anti-grinding, and just pretty much anti-being anal all together cause I do enough of that in design.
One of my favorite things about being in art classes is being surrounded by art kids who are usually doing pretty interesting stuff. Maybe it's not my type of stuff, but it's still really interesting to see. I like the process, seeing people's stuff evolve and seeing how other people work. It's also just nice to be around other people who like making things.
There was this 'show' on campus today, like 50 boards set up in the MGH commons. They had black and white photos on them, taken by elementary school kids with little descriptions they wrote. It was quite possibibly one of the funniest things I've seen in a while, although I guess it was mostly just cute. Some of the pictures were actually pretty impressive too. I wish I wrote down some of the descriptions. The only one I can really think of was like " Self portrait: I like this picture because I'm pretending to be dead. It shows that I'm funny." I guess it's not the same without the picture.. but it was pretty good.
So, I know it was brief and forever ago, but I can't help but feel a little animosity about it occasionally... Animosity's probably not the right word. But it's the word that comes to mind. Maybe resentful would be a better word. I know it's dumb.
Mmm.. busy busy weekend to come. bed time.
currently listening to: the Cardigans
peg leg
When I woke up this morning my calf was in so much pain it hurt to just move it. It felt like the muscles were clenching on to something with all its might and I ended up hobbling off all awkward cause walking made it worse. my first thought was "omg, what if I have MS?" not that I really know what MS is like. I just remembered those commercials of the woman who had different parts of her body in chains cause they didn't work or something.
Eventually I figured it was probably just strained from all the walking and building etc.
Apparently sculpture is a good workout for me (even if it hurts). Walking half an hour to and from the metal arts building, lugging around steel, all that good stuff. All I have to do is paint it now. I don't know how the hell i'm going to get it 8 feet in the air considering I can barely lift it off the ground enough to move it.
I'm really just procrastinating. anything but work on my poster. I was so excited for this final poster project, but it's turning out to suck majorly. how do you represent multi-lingualism and literacy without being cheesy and cliche? I can't think of anything good and quickly losing interest. And of course this is like the major final project.
The quarter is SO almost over i can taste it. or maybe that's just the pita chips. or the taste of a thursday coming up? (emad use to claim that not only were the-hers-days for the ladies, they tasted like metal... thursdays. not ladies.)
also decided that "I found a dinosaur in my pajama drawer" would make a good title for something. Dunno what. book. song. something. i just like the sound of it.
I am always suprised when people ask for my phone number.
I'm having major doubts about VCD.
currently listening to: Air ( The Vagabond sounds kinda like a Beck song )